Monday, July 8, 2024

How one can describe Java code with annotations

There are occasions when it is advisable affiliate metadata, or information that describes information, with courses, strategies, or different components in your Java code. For instance, your group may must determine unfinished courses in a big utility. For every unfinished class, the metadata would come with the identify of the developer accountable for ending the category and the category’s anticipated completion date.

Earlier than Java 5, feedback had been Java’s solely versatile mechanism for associating metadata with utility components. However as a result of the compiler ignores them, feedback will not be obtainable at runtime. And even when they had been obtainable, you would need to parse the textual content to acquire essential information gadgets. With out standardizing how the info gadgets had been specified, they could be not possible to parse.

Java 5 modified all the pieces by introducing annotations, a typical mechanism for associating metadata with numerous utility components. This tutorial introduces you to Java annotations.

What you will study on this Java tutorial

  • The 4 components of a Java annotation
  • Utilizing @interface to declare annotation sorts
  • Meta-annotation sorts and the issue of flexibility
  • How one can course of annotations
  • Java’s pre-defined annotation sorts

Obtain the supply code for examples on this Java tutorial. Created by Jeff Friesen.

Parts of a Java annotation

An annotation in Java consists of 4 components:

  • An @interface mechanism for declaring annotation sorts.
  • Meta-annotation sorts, which you should use to determine the appliance components an annotation sort applies to, determine the lifetime of an annotation (an occasion of an annotation sort), and extra.
  • Help for annotation processing by way of an extension to the Java Reflection API and a generalized software for processing annotations.
  • Java’s customary (pre-defined) annotation sorts.

You will learn to use every of those components in your Java annotations.

Utilizing @interface to declare annotation sorts

You possibly can declare an annotation sort by specifying the @ image instantly adopted by the interface reserved phrase and an identifier. For instance, Itemizing 1 declares a easy annotation sort that you simply may use to annotate thread-safe code.

Itemizing 1.

public @interface ThreadSafe

After declaring this annotation sort, you’d prefix the strategies that you simply thought-about thread-safe with cases of this sort by including the @ image adopted by the kind identify to the tactic headers.

Itemizing 2 reveals a easy instance the place the most important() technique is annotated @ThreadSafe.

Itemizing 2. (model 1)

public class AnnDemo
   public static void most important(String[] args)

ThreadSafe cases provide no metadata apart from the annotation sort identify. Nevertheless, you may provide metadata by including components to this sort, the place an factor is a technique header positioned within the annotation sort’s physique.

In addition to not having code our bodies, components are topic to the next restrictions:

  • The strategy header can not declare parameters.
  • The strategy header can not present a throws clause.
  • The strategy header’s return sort have to be a primitive sort (e.g., int), java.lang.String, java.lang.Class, an enum, an annotation sort, or an array of one in every of these sorts. No different sort might be specified for the return sort.

As one other instance, Itemizing 3 presents a ToDo annotation sort with three components figuring out a specific coding job, specifying the date when the job is to be completed, and naming the coder accountable for finishing the job.

Itemizing 3. (model 1)

public @interface ToDo
   int id();
   String finishDate();
   String coder() default "n/a";

Observe that every factor declares no parameter(s) or throws clause, has a authorized return sort (int or String), and terminates with a semicolon. Additionally, the ultimate factor reveals {that a} default return worth might be specified; this worth is returned when an annotation doesn’t assign a price to the factor.

Itemizing 4 makes use of ToDo to annotate an unfinished class technique.

Itemizing 4. (model 2)

public class AnnDemo
   public static void most important(String[] args)
      String[] cities = { "New York", "Melbourne", "Beijing", "Moscow", 
                          "Paris", "London" };

   @ToDo(id = 1000, finishDate = "10/10/2019", coder = "John Doe")
   static void kind(Object[] objects)

Itemizing 4 assigns a metadata merchandise to every factor; for instance, 1000 is assigned to id. In contrast to coder, the id and finishDate components have to be specified; in any other case, the compiler will report an error. When coder isn’t assigned a price, it assumes its default "n/a" worth.

Java offers a particular String worth() factor that can be utilized to return a comma-separated checklist of metadata gadgets. Itemizing 5 demonstrates this factor in a refactored model of ToDo.

Itemizing 5. (model 2)

public @interface ToDo
   String worth();

When worth() is an annotation sort’s solely factor, you don’t should specify worth and the = project operator when assigning a string to this factor. Itemizing 6 demonstrates each approaches.

Itemizing 6. (model 3)

public class AnnDemo
   public static void most important(String[] args)
      String[] cities = { "New York", "Melbourne", "Beijing", "Moscow", 
                          "Paris", "London" };

   @ToDo(worth = "1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
   static void kind(Object[] objects)

   @ToDo("1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
   static boolean search(Object[] objects, Object key)
      return false;

Meta-annotation sorts and the issue of flexibility

You possibly can annotate sorts (e.g., courses), strategies, native variables, and extra. Nevertheless, this flexibility might be problematic. For instance, you may wish to limit ToDo to strategies solely, however nothing prevents it from getting used to annotate different utility components, as demonstrated in Itemizing 7.

Itemizing 7. (model 4)

@ToDo("1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
public class AnnDemo
   public static void most important(String[] args)
      @ToDo(worth = "1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
      String[] cities = { "New York", "Melbourne", "Beijing", "Moscow", 
                          "Paris", "London" };

   @ToDo(worth = "1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
   static void kind(Object[] objects)

   @ToDo("1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
   static boolean search(Object[] objects, Object key)
      return false;

In Itemizing 7, ToDo can be used to annotate the AnnDemo class and cities native variable. The presence of those faulty annotations may confuse somebody reviewing your code, and even your personal annotation processing instruments. For the instances when it is advisable slim an annotation sort’s flexibility, Java presents the Goal annotation sort in its java.lang.annotation package deal.

Goal is a meta-annotation sort—an annotation sort for annotating annotation sorts. That is totally different from a non-meta-annotation sort, whose annotations annotate utility components akin to courses and strategies. The Goal annotation sort identifies the sorts of utility components to which an annotation sort is relevant. These components are recognized by Goal’s ElementValue[] worth() factor.

java.lang.annotation.ElementType is an enum whose constants describe utility components. For instance, CONSTRUCTOR applies to constructors and PARAMETER applies to parameters. Itemizing 8 refactors Itemizing 5’s ToDo annotation sort to limit it to strategies solely.

Itemizing 8. (model 3)

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Goal;

public @interface ToDo
   String worth();

Given the refactored ToDo annotation sort, an try and compile Itemizing 7 now ends in the next error message: error: annotation sort not relevant to this type of declaration
@ToDo("1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
^ error: annotation sort not relevant to this type of declaration
      @ToDo(worth="1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
2 errors

Further meta-annotation sorts

Java 5 launched three necessary meta-annotation sorts, that are discovered within the java.lang.annotation package deal:

  • Retention signifies how lengthy annotations with the annotated sort are to be retained. This sort’s related java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy enum declares the next constants:
    • CLASS: The compiler information annotations in a category file and the digital machine doesn’t retain them. That is the default coverage
    • RUNTIME: The compiler information annotations in a category file and the digital machine retains them.
    • SOURCE: The compiler discards annotations.
  • Documented signifies that cases of Documented-annotated annotations are to be documented by javadoc and related instruments.
  • Inherited signifies that an annotation sort is routinely inherited.

One other meta-annotation sort, launched in Java 8, is java.lang.annotation.Repeatable. Repeatable is used to point that the annotation sort whose declaration it (meta-)annotates is repeatable. In different phrases, you may apply a number of annotations from the identical repeatable annotation sort to an utility factor, as demonstrated right here:

@ToDo(worth = "1000,10/10/2019,John Doe")
@ToDo(worth = "1001,10/10/2019,Kate Doe")
static void kind(Object[] objects)

This instance assumes that ToDo has been annotated with the Repeatable annotation sort.

How one can course of annotations

Annotations are supposed to be processed; in any other case, there’s no level in having them. Java 5 prolonged the Java Reflection API that can assist you create your personal annotation processing instruments. For instance, Class declares an Annotation[]
technique that returns an array of java.lang.Annotation cases. These cases describe annotations current on the factor described by the Class object.

Itemizing 9 presents a easy utility that hundreds a category file, interrogates its strategies for ToDo annotations, and outputs the elements of every discovered annotation.

Itemizing 9.

import java.lang.replicate.Methodology;

public class AnnProcDemo
   public static void most important(String[] args) throws Exception
      if (args.size != 1)
         System.err.println("utilization: java AnnProcDemo classfile");
      Methodology[] strategies = Class.forName(args[0]).getMethods();
      for (int i = 0; i < strategies.size; i++)
         if (strategies[i].isAnnotationPresent(ToDo.class))
            ToDo todo = strategies[i].getAnnotation(ToDo.class);
            String[] elements = todo.worth().cut up(",");
            System.out.printf("ID = %spercentn", elements[0]);
            System.out.printf("End date = %spercentn", elements[1]);
            System.out.printf("Coder = %spercentnpercentn", elements[2]);

After verifying that precisely one command-line argument (figuring out a category file) has been specified, most important() hundreds the category file by way of Class.forName(), invokes getMethods() to return an array of java.lang.replicate.Methodology objects figuring out all public strategies within the class file, and processes these strategies.

Methodology processing begins by invoking Methodology’s boolean isAnnotationPresent(Class<? extends
Annotation> annotationClass)
technique to find out if the annotation described by ToDo.class is current on the tactic. If that’s the case, Methodology’s <T extends Annotation> T getAnnotation(Class<T>
technique is named to acquire the annotation.

The ToDo annotations which might be processed are these whose sorts declare a single String worth() factor (see Itemizing 5). As a result of this factor’s string-based metadata is comma-separated, it must be cut up into an array of element values. Every of the three element values is then accessed and output.

Compile this supply code (javac Earlier than you may run the appliance, you’ll want an appropriate class file with @ToDo annotations on its public strategies. For instance, you might modify Itemizing 6’s AnnDemo supply code to incorporate public in its kind() and search() technique headers. You’ll additionally want Itemizing 10’s ToDo annotation sort, which requires the RUNTIME retention coverage:

Itemizing 10. (model 4)

import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Goal;

public @interface ToDo
   String worth();

Compile the modified and Itemizing 10, and execute the next command to course of AnnDemo’s ToDo annotations:

java AnnProcDemo AnnDemo

If all goes properly, you need to observe the next output:

ID = 1000
End date = 10/10/2019
Coder = John Doe

ID = 1000
End date = 10/10/2019
Coder = John Doe

Java’s pre-defined annotation sorts

Together with the Goal, Retention, Documented, and Inherited meta-annotation sorts, Java 5 launched Deprecated, Override, and SuppressWarnings as pre-defined annotation sorts. These three annotation sorts are designed for use in a compiler context solely, so their retention insurance policies are set to SOURCE.


Deprecated annotates utility components which might be to be deprecated, which means they will be phased out and shouldn’t be used. The compiler will warn you when a deprecated factor is being accessed.

The next java.util.Date constructor demonstrates Deprecated:

public Date(int yr, int month, int date, int hrs, int min)
   // ... physique of this constructor

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